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Chapter   6

The CAP File Format

This chapter describes the Java Card CAP (converted applet) file format. Each CAP file contains all of the classes and interfaces defined in one Java package. Java Card Converters must be capable of producing CAP files that conform to the specification provided in this chapter.

A CAP file consists of a stream of 8-bit bytes. All 16-bit and 32-bit quantities are constructed by reading in two and four consecutive 8-bit bytes, respectively. Multibyte data items are always stored in big-endian order, where the high-order bytes come first. The first bit read of an 8-bit quantity is considered the high bit.

This chapter defines its own set of data types representing Java Card CAP file data: the types u1, and u2 represent an unsigned one-, and two-byte quantities, respectively. Some u1 types are represented as bitfield structures, consisting of arrays of bits. The zeroeth bit in each bit array represents the most significant bit, or high bit.

The Java Card CAP file format is presented using pseudo structures written in a C-like structure notation. To avoid confusion with the fields of Java Card virtual machine classes and class instances, the contents of the structures describing the Java Card CAP file format are referred to as items. Unlike the fields of a C structure, successive items are stored in the Java Card platform file sequentially, without padding or alignment.

Variable-sized tables, consisting of variable-sized items, are used in several CAP file data structures. Although we will use C-like array syntax to refer to table items, the fact that tables are streams of variable-sized structures means that it is not possible to directly translate a table index into a byte offset into the table.

A data structure referred to as an array consists of items equal in size.

Some items in the structures of the CAP file format are describe using a C-like union notation. The bytes contained in a union structure have one of the two formats. Selection of the two formats is based on the value of the high bit of the structure.

6.1 Component Model

A Java Card CAP file consists of a set of components. Each component describes a set of elements in the Java package defined, or an aspect of the CAP file. A complete CAP file must contain all of the required components specified in this chapter. Three components are optional: the Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component), Export Component (Section 6.12 "Export Component), and Debug Component (Section 6.14 "Debug Component). The Applet Component is included only if one or more Applets are defined in the package. The Export Component is included only if classes in other packages may import elements in the package defined. The Debug Component contains all of the data necessary for debugging a package.

The content of each component defined in a CAP file must conform to the corresponding format specified in this chapter. All components have the following general format:

component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u1 info[] 

Each component begins with a 1-byte tag indicating the kind of component. Valid tags and their values are listed in TABLE 19. The size item indicates the number of bytes in the info array of the component, not including the tag and size items.

The content and format of the info array varies with the type of component.

TABLE 19  –  CAP file component tags
Component Type

Sun may define additional components in future versions of this Java Card virtual machine specification. It is guaranteed that additional components will have tag values between 13 and 127, inclusive.

6.1.1 Containment in a JAR File

Each CAP file component is represented as a single file. The component file names are enumerated in TABLE 20. These names are not case sensitive.

TABLE 20  –  CAP file component file names
Component Type
File Name

All CAP file components are stored in a JAR file. As described in Section 4.1.3 "JAR File Container, the path to the CAP file component files in a JAR file consists of a directory called javacard that is in a subdirectory representing the package’s directory. For example, the CAP file component files of the package javacard.framework are located in the subdirectory javacard/framework/javacard. Other files, including other CAP files, may also reside in a JAR file that contains CAP file component files.

The JAR file format provides a vehicle suitable for the distribution of CAP file components. It is not intended or required that the JAR file format be used as the load file format for loading CAP file components onto a Java Card technology-enabled device. See Section 6.2 "Installation for more information.

The name of a JAR file containing CAP file components is not defined as part of this specification. The naming convention used by the Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Card Converter Tool is to append .cap to the simple (i.e. not fully qualified) package name. For example, the CAP file produced for the package com.sun.javacard.JavaLoyalty would be named JavaLoyalty.cap.

6.1.2 Defining New Components

Java Card CAP files are permitted to contain new, or custom, components. All new components not defined as part of this specification must not affect the semantics of the specified components, and Java Card virtual machines must be able to accept CAP files that do not contain new components. Java Card virtual machine implementations are required to silently ignore components they do not recognize.

New components are identified in two ways: they are assigned both an ISO 7816-5 AID (Section 4.2 "AID-based Naming) and a tag value. Valid tag values are between 128 and 255, inclusive. Both of these identifiers are recorded in the custom_component item of the Directory Component (Section 6.4 "Directory Component).

The new component must conform to the general component format defined in this chapter, with a tag value, a size value indicating the number of bytes in the component (excluding the tag and size items), and an info item containing the content of the new component.

A new component file is stored in a JAR file, following the same restrictions as those specified in Section 4.1.3 "JAR File Container. That is, the file containing the new component must be located in the <package_directory>/javacard subdirectory of the JAR file and must have the extension .cap.

6.2 Installation

Installing a CAP file components onto a Java Card technology-enabled device entails communication between a Java Card technology-enabled terminal and that device. While it is beyond the scope of this specification to define a load file format or installation protocol between a terminal and a device, the CAP file component order shown in TABLE 21 is a reference load order suitable for an implementation with a simple memory management model on a limited memory device.1

TABLE 21  –  Reference component install order
Component Type
COMPONENT_Descriptor (optional)

The component type COMPONENT_Debug is not intended for download to the device. It is intended to be used off-card in conjunction with a suitably instrumented Java Card virtual machine.

6.3 Header Component

The Header Component contains general information about this CAP file and the package it defines. It is described by the following variable-length structure:

header_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u4 magic 
     u1 minor_version 
     u1 major_version 
     u1 flags 
     package_info package 
     package_name_info package_name 

The items in the header_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Header (1).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the header_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The magic item supplies the magic number identifying the Java Card CAP file format; it has the value 0xDECAFFED.

minor_version, major_version 

The minor_version and major_version items are the minor and major version numbers of this CAP file. Together, a major and a minor version number determine the version of the CAP file format. If a CAP file has the major version number of M and minor version number of m, the version of the CAP file’s format is M.m.

A change in the major version number indicates a major incompatibility change, one that requires a fundamentally different Java Card virutal machine. A Java Card virtual machine is not required to support CAP files with different major version numbers. A Java Card virtual machine is required to support CAP files having a given major version number and all valid minor version numbers in the range 0 through some particular minor_version where a valid minor version number is a minor version number that has been defined in a version of the Java Card Virtual Machine Specification.

In this specification, the major version of the CAP file format has the value 2 and the minor version has the value 2. Only Sun Microsystems, Inc. may define the meaning and values of new CAP file format versions.


The flags item is a mask of modifiers that apply to this package. The flags modifiers are shown in the following table.

TABLE 22  –  CAP file package flags

The ACC_INT flag has the value of one if the Java int type is used in this package. The int type is used if one or more of the following is present:

Otherwise the ACC_INT flag has the value of 0.

The ACC_EXPORT flag has the value of one if an Export Component (Section 6.12 "Export Component) is included in this CAP file. Otherwise it has the value of 0.

The ACC_APPLET flag has the value of one if an Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component) is included in this CAP file. Otherwise it has the value of 0.

All other bits in the flags item not defined in TABLE 22 are reserved for future use. Their values must be zero.


The package item describes the package defined in this CAP file. It is represented as a package_info structure:

   package_info { 
         u1 minor_version 
         u1 major_version 
         u1 AID_length 
         u1 AID[AID_length] 

The items in the package_info structure are as follows:

   minor_version, major_version 

The minor_version and major_version items are the minor and major version numbers of this package. These values uniquely identify the particular implementation of this package and indicate the binary compatibility between packages. See Section 4.5 "Package Versions for a description of assigning and using package version numbers.


The AID_length item represents the number of bytes in the AID item. Valid values are between 5 and 16, inclusive.


The AID item represents the Java Card platform name of the package. See ISO 7816-5 for the definition of an AID (Section 4.2 "AID-based Naming).


The package_name item describes the name of the package defined in this CAP file. It is represented as a package_name_info[] structure:

    package_name_info { 
             u1 name_length 
             u1 name[name_length] 

The items in the package_name_info[] structure are as follows:


The name_length item is the number of bytes used in the name item to represent the name of this package in UTF-8 format. The value of this item may be zero if and only if the package does not define any remote interfaces or remote classes.


The name[] item is a variable length representation of the fully qualified name of this package in UTF-8 format. The fully qualified name is represented in internal form as described in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification (Section 4.2).

6.4 Directory Component

The Directory Component lists the size of each of the components defined in this CAP file. When an optional component is not included, such as the Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component), Export Component (Section 6.12 "Export Component), or Debug Component (Section 6.14 "Debug Component), it is represented in the Directory Component with size equal to zero. The Directory Component also includes entries for new (or custom) components.

The Directory Component is described by the following variable-length structure:

directory_component { 
       u1 tag 
       u2 size 
       u2 component_sizes[12] 
       static_field_size_info static_field_size 
       u1 import_count 
       u1 applet_count 
       u1 custom_count 
       custom_component_info custom_components[custom_count] 

The items in the directory_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Directory (2).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the directory_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The component_sizes item is an array representing the number of bytes in each of the components in this CAP file. All of the 12 components defined in this chapter are represented in the component_sizes array. The value of an index into the array is equal to the value of the tag of the component represented at that entry, minus 1.

The value in each entry in the component_sizes array is the same as the size item in the corresponding component. It represents the number of bytes in the component, excluding the tag and size items.

The value of an entry in the component_sizes array is zero for components not included in this CAP file. Components that may not be included are the Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component), the Export Component (Section 6.12 "Export Component), and the Debug Component (Section 6.14 "Debug Component). For all other components the value is greater than zero.


The static_field_size item is a static_field_size_info structure. The structure is defined as:

   static_field_size_info { 
      u2 image_size 
      u2 array_init_count 
      u2 array_init_size 

The items in the static_field_size_info structure are the following:


The image_size item has the same value as the image_size item in the Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). It represents the total number of bytes in the static fields defined in this package, excluding final static fields of primitive types.


The array_init_count item has the same value as the array_init_count item in the Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). It represents the number of arrays initialized in all of the <clinit> methods in this package.


The array_init_size item represents the sum of the count items in the array_init table item of the Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). It is the total number of bytes in all of the arrays initialized in all of the <clinit> methods in this package.


The import_count item indicates the number of packages imported by classes and interfaces in this package. This item has the same value as the count item in the Import Component (Section 6.6 "Import Component).


The applet_count item indicates the number of applets defined in this package. If an Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component) is not included in this CAP file, the value of the applet_count item is zero. Otherwise the value of the applet_count item is the same as the value of the count item in the Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component).


The custom_count item indicates the number of entries in the custom_components table. Valid values are between 0 and 127, inclusive.


The custom_components item is a table of variable-length custom_component_info structures. Each new component defined in this CAP file must be represented in the table. These components are not defined in this standard.

The custom_component_info structure is defined as:

   custom_component_info { 
       u1 component_tag 
       u2 size 
       u1 AID_length 
       u1 AID[AID_length] 

The items in entries of the custom_component_info structure are:


The component_tag item represents the tag of the component. Valid values are between 128 and 255, inclusive.


The size item represents the number of bytes in the component, excluding the tag and size items.


The AID_length item represents the number of bytes in the AID item. Valid values are between 5 and 16, inclusive.


The AID item represents the Java Card platform name of the component. See ISO 7816-5 for the definition of an AID (Section 4.2 "AID-based Naming).

Each component is assigned an AID conforming to the ISO 7816-5 standard. Beyond that, there are no constraints on the value of an AID of a custom component.

6.5 Applet Component

The Applet Component contains an entry for each of the applets defined in this package. Applets are defined by implementing a non-abstract subclass, direct or indirect, of the javacard.framework.Applet class.2 If no applets are defined, this component must not be present in this CAP file.

The Applet Component is described by the following variable-length structure:

applet_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u1 count 
       { u1 AID_length 
         u1 AID[AID_length] 
         u2 install_method_offset 
       } applets[count] 

The items in the applet_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Applet (3).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the applet_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The count item indicates the number of applets defined in this package. The value of the count item must be greater than zero.


The applets item represents a table of variable-length structures each describing an applet defined in this package.

The items in each entry of the applets table are defined as follows:


The AID_length item represents the number of bytes in the AID item. Valid values are between 5 and 16, inclusive.


The AID item represents the Java Card platform name of the applet.

Each applet is assigned an AID conforming to the ISO 7816-5 standard (Section 4.2 "AID-based Naming). The RID (first 5 bytes) of all of the applet AIDs must have the same value. In addition, the RID of each applet AIDs must have the same value as the RID of the package defined in this CAP file.


The value of the install_method_offset item must be a 16-bit offset into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component). The item at that offset must be a method_info structure that represents the static install(byte[],short,byte) method of the applet.3 The install(byte[],short,byte) method must be defined in a class that extends the javacard.framework.applet class, directly or indirectly. The install(byte[],short,byte) method is called to initialize the applet.

6.6 Import Component

The Import Component lists the set of packages imported by the classes in this package. It does not include an entry for the package defined in this CAP file. The Import Component is represented by the following structure:

import_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u1 count 
     package_info packages[count] 

The items in the import_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Import (4).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the import_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The count item indicates the number of items in the packages table. The value of the count item must be between 0 and 128, inclusive.


The packages item represents a table of variable-length package_info structures as defined for package under Section 6.3 "Header Component. The table contains an entry for each of the packages referenced in the CAP file, not including the package defined.

The major and minor version numbers specified in the package_info structure are equal to the major and minor versions specified in the imported package’s export file. See Section 4.5 "Package Versions for a description of assigning and using package version numbers.

Components of this CAP file refer to an imported package by using a index in this packages table. The index is called a package token (Section "Package).

6.7 Constant Pool Component

The Constant Pool Component contains an entry for each of the classes, methods, and fields referenced by elements in the Method Conponent (Section 6.9 "Method Component) of this CAP file. The referencing elements in the Method Component may be instructions in the methods or exception handler catch types in the exception handler table.

Entries in the Constant Pool Component reference elements in the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component), Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component), and Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). The Import Component (Section 6.6 "Import Component) is also accessed using a package token (Section "Package) to describe references to classes, methods and fields defined in imported packages. Entries in the Constant Pool Component do not reference other entries internal to itself.

The Constant Pool Component is described by the following structure:

constant_pool_component { 
      u1 tag 
      u2 size 
      u2 count 
      cp_info constant_pool[count] 

The items in the constant_pool_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_ConstantPool (5).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the constant_pool_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The count item represents the number entries in the constant_pool[] array. Valid values are between 0 and 65535, inclusive.


The constant_pool[] item represents an array of cp_info structures:

   cp_info { 
       u1 tag 
       u1 info[3] 

Each item in the constant_pool[] array is a 4-byte structure. Each structure must begin with a 1-byte tag indicating the kind of cp_info entry. The content and format of the 3-byte info array varies with the value of the tag. The valid tags and their values are listed in the following table.

TABLE 23  –  CAP file constant pool tags
Constant Type

Java Card platform constant types (“Java Card constant types”) are more specific than those in Java class files. The categories indicate not only the type of the item referenced, but also the manner in which it is referenced.

For example, in the Java constant pool there is one constant type for method references, while in the Java Card platform constant pool (“Java Card constant pool”) there are three constant types for method references: one for virtual method invocations using the invokevirtual bytecode, one for super method invocations using the invokespecial bytecode, and one for static method invocations using either the invokestatic or invokespecial bytecode.4 The additional information provided by a constant type in Java Card technologies simplifies resolution of references.

There are no ordering constraints on constant pool entries. It is recommended, however, that CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref (Section 6.7.2 "CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref, CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref, and CONSTANT_SuperMethodref) constants occur early in the array to permit using getfield_T and putfield_T bytecodes instead of getfield_T_w and putfield_T_w bytecodes. The former have 1-byte constant pool index parameters while the latter have 2-byte constant pool index parameters.

The first entry in the constant pool can not be an exception handler class that is referenced by a catch_type_index of an exception_handler_info structure. In such a case the value of the catch_type_index would be equal to 0, but the value of 0 in a catch_type_index is reserved to indicate an exception_handler_info structure that describes a finally block.

6.7.1 CONSTANT_Classref

The CONSTANT_Classref_info structure is used to represent a reference to a class or an interface. The class or interface may be defined in this package or in an imported package.

CONSTANT_Classref_info { 
     u1 tag 
     union { 
          u2 internal_class_ref 
          { u1 package_token 
           u1 class_token 
          } external_class_ref 
     } class_ref 
     u1 padding 

The items in the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure are the following:


The tag item has the value CONSTANT_Classref (1).


The class_ref item represents a reference to a class or interface. If the class or interface is defined in this package the structure represents an internal_class_ref and the high bit of the structure is zero. If the class or interface is defined in another package the structure represents an external_class_ref and the high bit of the structure is one.


The internal_class_ref structure represents a 16-bit offset into the info item of the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component) to an interface_info or class_info structure. The interface_info or class_info structure must represent the referenced class or interface.

The value of the internal_class_ref item must be between 0 and 32767, inclusive, making the high bit equal to zero.


The external_class_ref structure represents a reference to a class or interface defined in an imported package. The high bit of this structure is one.


The package_token item represents a package token (Section "Package) defined in the Import Component (Section 6.6 "Import Component) of this CAP file. The value of this token must be a valid index into the packages table item of the import_component structure. The package represented at that index must be the imported package.

The value of the package token must be between 0 and 127, inclusive.

The high bit of the package_token item is equal to one.


The class_token item represents the token of the class or interface (Section "Classes and Interfaces) of the referenced class or interface. It has the value of the class token of the class as defined in the Export file of the imported package.


The padding item has the value zero. It is present to make the size of a CONSTANT_Classref_info structure the same as all other constants in the constant_pool[] array.

6.7.2 CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref, CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref, and CONSTANT_SuperMethodref

References to instance fields, and virtual methods are represented by similar structures:

CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref_info { 
     u1 tag 
     class_ref class 
     u1 token 

CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref_info { 
     u1 tag 
     class_ref class 
     u1 token 

CONSTANT_SuperMethodref_info { 
     u1 tag 
     class_ref class 
     u1 token 

The items in these structures are as follows:


The tag item of a CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref_info structure has the value CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref (2).

The tag item of a CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref_info structure has the value CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref (3).

The tag item of a CONSTANT_SuperMethodref_info structure has the value CONSTANT_SuperMethodref (4).


The class item represents the class associated with the referenced instance field, virtual method, or super method invocation. It is a class_ref structure (Section 6.7.1 "CONSTANT_Classref). If the referenced class is defined in this package the high bit is equal to zero. If the reference class is defined in an imported package the high bit of this structure is equal to one.

The class referenced in the CONSTANT_InstanceField_info structure must be the class that contains the declaration of the instance field.

The class referenced in the CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref_info structure must be a class that contains a declaration or definition of the virtual method.

The class referenced in the CONSTANT_SuperMethodref_info structure must be the class that defines the method that contains the Java language-level super invocation.


The token item in the CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref_info structure represents an instance field token (Section "Instance Fields) of the referenced field. The value of the instance field token is defined within the scope of the class indicated by the class item.

The token item of the CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref_info structure represents the virtual method token (Section "Virtual Methods) of the referenced method. The virtual method token is defined within the scope of the hierarchy of the class indicated by the class item. If the referenced method is public or protected the high bit of the token item is zero. If the referenced method is package-visible the high bit of the token item is one. In this case the class item must represent a reference to a class defined in this package.

The token item of the CONSTANT_SuperMethodref_info structure represents the virtual method token (Section "Virtual Methods) of the referenced method. Unlike in the CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref_info structure, the virtual method token is defined within the scope of the hierarchy of the superclass of the class indicated by the class item. If the referenced method is public or protected the high bit of the token item is zero. If the referenced method is package-visible the high bit of the token item is one. In the latter case the class item must represent a reference to a class defined in this package and at least one superclass of the class that contains a definition of the virtual method must also be defined in this package.

6.7.3 CONSTANT_StaticFieldref and CONSTANT_StaticMethodref

References to static fields and methods are represented by similar structures:

CONSTANT_StaticFieldref_info { 
     u1 tag 
     union { 
          { u1 padding 
            u2 offset 
          } internal_ref 
          { u1 package_token 
            u1 class_token 
            u1 token 
          } external_ref 
     } static_field_ref 

CONSTANT_StaticMethodref_info { 
     u1 tag 
     union { 
          { u1 padding 
           u2 offset 
          } internal_ref 
          { u1 package_token 
           u1 class_token 
           u1 token 
          } external_ref 
     } static_method_ref 

The items in these structures are as follows:


The tag item of a CONSTANT_StaticFieldref_info structure has the value CONSTANT_StaticFieldref (5).

The tag item of a CONSTANT_StaticMethodref_info structure has the value CONSTANT_StaticMethodref (6).

static_field_ref and static_method_ref 

The static_field_ref and static_method_ref item represents a reference to a static field or static method, respectively. Static method references include references to static methods, constructors, and private virtual methods.

If the referenced item is defined in this package the structure represents an internal_ref and the high bit of the structure is zero. If the referenced item is defined in another package the structure represents an external_ref and the high bit of the structure is one.


The internal_ref item represents a reference to a static field or method defined in this package. The items in the structure are:


The padding item is equal to 0.


The offset item of a CONSTANT_StaticFieldref_info structure represents a 16-bit offset into the Static Field Image defined by the Static Field component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component) to this static field.

The offset item of a CONSTANT_StaticMethodref_info structure represents a 16-bit offset into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component) to a method_info structure. The method_info structure must represent the referenced method.


The external_ref item represents a reference to a static field or method defined in an imported package. The items in the structure are:


The package_token item represents a package token (Section "Package) defined in the Import Component (Section 6.6 "Import Component) of this CAP file. The value of this token must be a valid index into the packages table item of the import_component structure. The package represented at that index must be the imported package.

The value of the package token must be between 0 and 127, inclusive.

The high bit of the package_token item is equal to one.


The class_token item represents the token (Section "Classes and Interfaces) of the class of the referenced class. It has the value of the class token of the class as defined in the Export file of the imported package.

The class indicated by the class_token item must define the referenced field or method.


The token item of a CONSTANT_StaticFieldref_info structure represents a static field token (Section "Static Fields) as defined in the Export file of the imported package. It has the value of the token of the referenced field.

The token item of a CONSTANT_StaticMethodref_info structure represents a static method token (Section "Static Methods and Constructors) as defined in the Export file of the imported package. It has the value of the token of the referenced method.

6.8 Class Component

The Class Component describes each of the classes and interfaces defined in this package. It does not contain complete access information and content details for each class and interface. Instead, the information included is limited to that required to execute operations associated with a particular class or interface, without performing verification. Complete details regarding the classes and interfaces defined in this package are included in the Descriptor Component (Section 6.13 "Descriptor Component).

The information included in the Class Component for each interface is sufficient to uniquely identify the interface and to test whether or not a cast to that interface is valid.

The information included in the Class Component for each class is sufficient to resolve operations associated with instances of a class. The operations include creating an instance, testing whether or not a cast of the instance is valid, dispatching virtual method invocations, and dispatching interface method invocations. Also included is sufficient information to locate instance fields of type reference, including arrays.

The classes represented in the Class Component reference other entries in the Class Component in the form of superclass, superinterface and implemented interface references. When a superclass, superinterface or implemented interface is defined in an imported package the Import Component is used in the representation of the reference.

The classes represented in the Class Component also contain references to virtual methods defined in the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component) of this CAP file. References to virtual methods defined in imported packages are not explicitly described. Instead such methods are located through a superclass within the hierarchy of the class, where the superclass is defined in the same imported package as the virtual method.

The Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component), Export Component (Section 6.12 "Export Component), Descriptor Component (Section 6.13 "Descriptor Component) and Debug Component (Section 6.14 "Debug Component) reference classes and interfaces defined in the Class Component. No other CAP file components reference the Class Component.

The Class Component is represented by the following structure:

class_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u2 signature_pool_length 
     type_descriptor signature_pool[] 
     interface_info interfaces[] 
     class_info classes[] 

The items in the class_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Class (6).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the class_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The signature_pool_length item indicates the number of bytes in the signature_pool[] item. The value of the signature_pool_length item must be zero if the package does not define any remote interfaces or remote classes.


The signature_pool[] item represents a list of variable-length type_descriptor structures. These descriptors represent the signatures of the remote methods.


The interfaces item represents an array of interface_info structures. Each interface defined in this package is represented in the array. The entries are ordered based on hierarchy such that a superinterface has a lower index than any of its subinterfaces.


The classes item represents a table of variable-length class_info structures. Each class defined in this package is represented in the array. The entries are ordered based on hierarchy such that a superclass has a lower index than any of its subclasses.

6.8.1 type_descriptor

The type_descriptor structure represents the type of a field or the signature of a method.

type_descriptor { 
    u1 nibble_count;  
    u1 type[(nibble_count+1) / 2]; 

The type_descriptor structure contains the following elements:


The nibble_count value represents the number of nibbles required to describe the type encoded in the type array.


The type array contains an encoded description of the type, composed of individual nibbles. If the nibble_count item is an odd number, the last nibble in the type array must be 0x0. The values of the type descriptor nibbles are defined in the following table.

TABLE 24  –  Type descriptor values
array of boolean
array of byte
array of short
array of int
array of reference

Class reference types are described using the reference nibble 0x6, followed by a 2-byte (4-nibble) class_ref structure. The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure (Section 6.7.1 "CONSTANT_Classref). For example, a field of type reference to p1.c1 in a CAP file defining package p0 is described as:

TABLE 25  –  Encoded reference type p1.c1
package token
(high bit on)
class token

The following are examples of the array types:

TABLE 26  –  Encoded byte array type
array of byte

TABLE 27  –  Encoded reference array type p1.c1
array of reference
package token
(high bit on)
class token

Method signatures are encoded in the same way, with the return type of the method encoded at the end of the sequence of nibbles. The return type is encoded in as many nibbles as required to represent it. For example:

TABLE 28  –  Encoded method signature ()V

TABLE 29  –  Encoded method signature (;)S
package token
(high bit on)
class token

6.8.2 interface_info and class_info

The interface_info and class_info structures represent interfaces and classes, respectively. The two are differentiated by the value of the high bit in the structures. They are defined as follows:

interface_info { 
        u1 bitfield { 
         bit[4] flags 
         bit[4] interface_count 
         class_ref superinterfaces[interface_count] 
     interface_name_info interface_name5 

class_info { 
        u1 bitfield { 
         bit[4] flags 
         bit[4] interface_count 
	class_ref super_class_ref 
	u1 declared_instance_size 
	u1 first_reference_token 
	u1 reference_count 
	u1 public_method_table_base 
	u1 public_method_table_count 
	u1 package_method_table_base 
	u1 package_method_table_count 
	u2 public_virtual_method_table[public_method_table_count] 
	u2 package_virtual_method_table[package_method_table_count] 
 	implemented_interface_info interfaces[interface_count] 
	remote_interface_info remote_interfaces 6 

} interface_info and class_info shared Items


The flags item is a mask of modifiers used to describe this interface or class. Valid values are shown in the following table:

TABLE 30  –  CAP file interface and class flags

The ACC_INTERFACE flag indicates whether this interface_info or class_info structure represents an interface or a class. The value must be one if it represents an interface_info structure and zero if a class_info structure.

The ACC_SHAREABLE flag in an interface_info structure indicates whether this interface is shareable. The value of this flag must be one if and only if the interface is javacard.framework.Shareable interface or extends that interface directly or indirectly.

The ACC_SHAREABLE flag in a class_info structure indicates whether this class is shareable.7 The value of this flag must be one if and only if this class or any of its superclasses implements an interface that is shareable.

The ACC_REMOTE flag indicates whether this class or interface is remote. The value of this flag must be one if and only if the class or interface satisfies the requirements defined in Section "Remote Classes and Remote Interfaces.

All other flag values are reserved. Their values must be zero.


The interface_count item of the interface_info structure indicates the number of entries in the superinterfaces[] table item. The value represents the number of direct and indirect superinterfaces of this interface. Indirect superinterfaces are the set of superinterfaces of the direct superinterfaces. Valid values are between 0 and 14, inclusive.

The interface_count item of the class_info structure indicates the number of entries in the interfaces table item. The value represents the number of interfaces implemented by this class, including superinterfaces of those interfaces and potentially interfaces implemented by superclasses of this class. Valid values are between 0 and 15, inclusive. interface_info Items


The superinterfaces[] item of the interface_info structure is an array of class_ref structures representing the superinterfaces of this interface. The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure (Section 6.7.1 "CONSTANT_Classref). This array is empty if this interface has no superinterfaces. Both direct and indirect superinterfaces are represented in the array. Class Object is not included.


The interface_name[] item represents interface name information required if the interface is remote. The interface_name[] item is defined by a interface_name_info structure. If the value of the ACC_REMOTE flag is zero, the structure is defined as:

   interface_name_info { 

If the value of the ACC_REMOTE flag is one, the structure is defined as:

   interface_name_info { 
      u1 interface_name_length 
      u1 interface_name[interface_name_length] 

The values in the interface_name_info structure are defined as follows:


The interface_name_length item is the number of bytes in interface_name[] item.


The interface_name[] item is a variable length representation of the name of this interface in UTF-8 format. class_info Items


The super_class_ref item of the class_info structure is a class_ref structure representing the superclass of this class. The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure (Section 6.7.1 "CONSTANT_Classref).

The super_class_ref item has the value of 0xFFFF only if this class does not have a superclass. Otherwise the value of the super_class_ref item is limited only by the constraints of the class_ref structure.


The declared_instance_size item of the class_info structure represents the number of 16-bit cells required to represent the instance fields declared by this class. It does not include instance fields declared by superclasses of this class.

Instance fields of type int are represented in two 16-bit cells, while all other field types are represented in one 16-bit cell.


The first_reference_token item of the class_info structure represents the instance field token (Section "Instance Fields) value of the first reference type instance field defined by this class. It does not include instance fields defined by superclasses of this class.

If this class does not define any reference type instance fields, the value of the first_reference_token is 0xFF. Otherwise the value of the first_reference_token item must be within the range of the set of instance field tokens of this class.


The reference_count item of the class_info structure represents the number of reference type instance field defined by this class. It does not include reference type instance fields defined by superclasses of this class.

Valid values of the reference_count item are between 0 and the maximum number of instance fields defined by this class.


The public_method_table_base item of the class_info structure is equal to the virtual method token value (Section "Virtual Methods) of the first method in the public_virtual_method_table[] array. If the public_virtual_method_table[] array is empty, the value of the public_method_table_base item is equal to the public_method_table_base item of the class_info structure of this class’ superclass plus the public_method_table_count item of the class_info structure of this class’ superclass. If this class has no superclass and the public_virtual_method_table[] array is empty, the value of the public_method_table_base item is zero.


The public_method_table_count item of the class_info structure indicates the number of entries in the public_virtual_method_table[] array.

If this class does not define any public or protected override methods, the minimum valid value of public_method_table_count item is the number of public and protected virtual methods declared by this class. If this class defines one or more public or protected override methods, the minimum valid value of public_method_table_count item is the value of the largest public or protected virtual method token, minus the value of the smallest public or protected virtual override method token, plus one.

The maximum valid value of the public_method_table_count item is the value of the largest public or protected virtual method token, plus one.

Any value for the public_method_table_count item between the minimum and maximum specified here is valid. However, the value must correspond to the number of entries in the public_virtual_method_table[] array.


The package_method_table_base item of the class_info structure is equal to the virtual method token value (Section "Virtual Methods) of the first entry in the package_virtual_method_table[] array. If the package_virtual_method_table[] array is empty, the value of the package_method_table_base item is equal to the package_method_table_base item of the class_info structure of this class’ superclass plus the package_method_table_count item of the class_info structure of this class’ superclass. If this class has no superclass or inherits from a class defined in another package and the package_virtual_method_table[] array is empty, the value of the package_method_table_base item is zero.


The package_method_table_count item of the class_info structure indicates the number of entries in the package_virtual_method_table[] array.

If this class does not define any override methods, the minimum valid value of package_method_table_count item is the number of package visible virtual methods declared by this class. If this class defines one or more package visible override methods, the minimum valid value of package_method_table_count item is the value of the largest package visible virtual method token, minus the value of the smallest package visible virtual override method token, plus one.

The maximum valid value of the package_method_table_count item is the value of the largest package visible method token, plus one.

Any value for the package_method_table_count item between the minimum and maximum specified here are valid. However, the value must correspond to the number of entries in the package_virtual_method_table[].


The public_virtual_method_table[] item of the class_info structure represents an array of public and protected virtual methods. These methods can be invoked on an instance of this class. The public_virtual_method_table[] array includes methods declared or defined by this class. It may also include methods declared or defined by any or all of its superclasses. The value of an index into this table must be equal to the value of the virtual method token of the indicated method, minus the value of the public_method_table_base item.

Entries in the public_virtual_method_table[] array that represent methods defined or declared in this package contain offsets into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component) to the method_info structure representing the method. Entries that represent methods defined or declared in an imported package contain the value 0xFFFF.

Entries for methods that are declared abstract are represented in the public_virtual_method_table[] array in the same way as non-abstract methods.


The package_virtual_method_table[] item of the class_info structure represents an array of package-visible virtual methods. These methods can be invoked on an instance of this class. The package_virtual_method_table[] array includes methods declared or defined by this class. It may also include methods declared or defined by any or all of its superclasses that are defined in this package. The value of an index into this table must be equal to the value of the virtual method token of the indicated method & 0x7F, minus the value of the package_method_table_base item.

All entries in the package_virtual_method_table[] array represent methods defined or declared in this package. They contain offsets into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component) to the method_info structure representing the method.

Entries for methods that are declared abstract, not including those defined by interfaces, are represented in the package_virtual_method_table[] array in the same way as non-abstract methods.


The interfaces item of the class_info structure represents a table of variable-length implemented_interface_info structures. The table must contain an entry for each of the implemented interfaces indicated in the declaration of this class and each of the interfaces in the hierarchies of those interfaces. Interfaces that occur more than once are represented by a single entry. Interfaces implemented by superclasses of this class may optionally be represented.

Given the declarations below, the number of entries for class c0 is 1 and the entry in the interfaces array is i0. The minimum number of entries for class c1 is 3 and the entries in the interfaces array are i1, i2, and i3. The entries for class c1 may also include interface i0, which is implemented by the superclass of c1.

   interface i0 {} 
   interface i1 {} 
   interface i2 extends i1 {} 
   interface i3 {} 
   class c0 implements i0 {} 
   class c1 extends c0 implements i2, i3 {} 


The remote_interfaces item represents information required if this class or any of its super classes implements a remote interface. This item must be omitted if the ACC_REMOTE flag has a value of zero. The remote_interfaces item is defined by a remote_interface_info structure. implemented_interface_info

The implemented_interface_info structure is defined as follows:

implemented_interface_info { 
   class_ref interface 
   u1 count 
   u1 index[count] 

The items in the implemented_interface_info structure are defined as follows:


The interface item has the form of a class_ref structure. The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure (Section 6.7.1 "CONSTANT_Classref). The interface_info structure referenced by the interface item represents an interface implemented by this class.


The count item indicates the number of entries in the index[] array.


The index[] item is an array that maps declarations of interface methods to implementations of those methods in this class. It is a representation of the set of methods declared by the interface and its superinterfaces.

Entries in the index array must be ordered such that the interface method token value (Section "Interface Methods) of the interface method is equal to the index into the array. The interface method token value is assigned to the method within the scope of the interface definition, not within the scope of this class.

The values in the index[] array represent the virtual method tokens (Section "Virtual Methods) of the implementations of the interface methods. The virtual method token values are defined within the scope of the hierarchy of this class. remote_interface_info

If the value of the ACC_REMOTE flag is zero, this structure is defined as:

remote_interface_info { 

If the value of the ACC_REMOTE flag is one, this structure is defined as:

remote_interface_info { 
     u1 remote_methods_count 
     remote_method_info remote_methods[remote_methods_count] 
     u1 hash_modifier_length 
     u1 hash_modifier[hash_modifier_length] 
     u1 class_name_length 
     u1 class_name[class_name_length] 
     u1 remote_interfaces_count 
     class_ref remote_interfaces[remote_interfaces_count] 

The remote_interface_info structure is defined as:


The remote_methods_count item indicates the number of entries in the remote_methods array.


The remote_methods item of the class_info structure is an array of remote_method_info structures that maps each remote method available in the class to its hash code and its type definition in the signature_pool[]. The methods are listed in numerically ascending order of hash values.

The remote_method_info structure is defined as follows:

   remote_method_info { 
       u2 remote_method_hash 
       u2 signature_offset 
       u1 virtual_method_token 

The items in the remote_method_info structure are defined as follows:


The remote_method_hash item contains a two-byte hash value for the method. The hash value is computed from the simple (not fully qualified) name of the method concatenated with its method descriptor. The representation of the method descriptor is the same as in a Java class file. See the specification described in Java™ Virtual Machine Specification (§4.3.3).

The hash value uniquely identifies the method within the class.

The hash code is defined as the first two bytes of the SHA-1 message digest function performed on the hash_modifier[] item described below followed by the name of the method followed by the method descriptor representation in UTF-8 format. Rare hash collisions are averted automatically during package conversion by adjusting the anti-collision string.


The signature_offset item contains an offset into the info item of the Class Component to the variable-length type descriptor structure inside the signature_pool[] item. This structure represents the signature of the remote method.


The virtual_method_token item is the virtual method token of the remote method in this class.


The hash_modifier_length item is the number of bytes in the following hash_modifier item. The value of this item must be zero if an anti-collision string is not required.


The hash_modifier[] item is a variable length representation of the anti-collision string in UTF-8 format.


The class_name_length item is the number of bytes used in the class_name[] item.


The class_name[] item is a variable length representation of the name of this class in UTF-8 format.


The remote_interfaces_count item is the number of interfaces listed in the following remote_interfaces[] item.


The remote_interfaces[] item is a variable length array of class_ref items. It represents the remote interfaces implemented by this class. The remote interfaces listed in this array, together with their superinterfaces must be the complete set of remote interfaces implemented by this class and all its superclasses.

Each entry has the form of a class_ref structure. Each class_ref structure must reference an interface_info structure representing a remote interface implemented by this class.

The entries in the remote_interfaces[] array must be ordered such that all remote interfaces from the same package are listed consecutively.

6.9 Method Component

The Method Component describes each of the methods declared in this package, excluding <clinit> methods and interface method declarations. Abstract methods defined by classes (not interfaces) are included. The exception handlers associated with each method are also described.

The Method Component does not contain complete access information and descriptive details for each method. Instead, the information is optimized for size and therefore limited to that required to execute each method without performing verification. Complete details regarding the methods defined in this package are included in the Descriptor Component (Section 6.13 "Descriptor Component). Among other information, the Descriptor Component contains the location and number of bytecodes for each method in the Method Component. This information can be used to parse the methods in the Method Component.

Instructions and exception handler catch types in the Method Component reference entries in the Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component). No other CAP file components, including the Method Component, are referenced by the elements in the Method Component.

The Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component), Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component), Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component), Export Component (Section 6.12 "Export Component), Descriptor Component (Section 6.13 "Descriptor Component), and Debug Component (Section 6.14 "Debug Component) reference methods defined in the Method Component. The Reference Location Component (Section 6.11 "Reference Location Component) references all constant pool indices contained in the Method Component. No other CAP file components reference the Method Component.

The Method Component is represented by the following structure:

method_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u1 handler_count 
     exception_handler_info exception_handlers[handler_count] 
     method_info methods[] 

The items in the method_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Method (7).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the method_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The handler_count item represents the number of entries in the exception_handlers array. Valid values are between 0 and 255, inclusive.


The exception_handlers item represents an array of 8-byte exception_handler_info structures. Each exception_handler_info structure represents a catch or finally block defined in a method of this package.

Entries in the exception_handlers array are sorted in ascending order by the the offset to the handler of the exception handler. Smaller offset values occur first in the array. This ordering constraint ensures that the first match found when searching for an exception handler is the correct match.

There are two consequences of this ordering constraint. First, a handler that is nested with the active range (try block) of another handler occurs first in the array. Second, when multiple handlers are associated with the same active range, they are ordered as they occur in a method. This is consistent with the ordering constraints defined for Java class files. An example is shown below.

CODE EXAMPLE 1 Exception handler example
try { 
    try { 
       } catch (NullPointerException e) {    // first 
} catch (Exception e) {                   // second 
} finally {                               // third 
try { 
} catch (SecurityException e) {           // fourth 


The methods item represents a table of variable-length method_info structures. Each entry represents a method declared in a class of this package. <clinit> methods and interface method declaration are not included; all other methods, including non-interface abstract methods, are.

6.9.1 exception_handler_info

The exception_handler_info structure is defined as follows:

exception_handler_info { 
     u2 start_offset 
     u2 bitfield { 
          bit[1] stop_bit 
          bit[15] active_length 
     u2 handler_offset 
     u2 catch_type_index 

The items in the exception_handler_info structure are as follows:

start_offset, active_length 

The start_offset and active_length pair indicate the active range (try block) an exception handler. The start_offset item indicates the beginning of the active range while the active_length item indicates the number of bytes contained in the active range.

end_offset is defined as start_offset plus active_length.

The start_offset item and end_offset are byte offsets into the info item of the Method Component. The value of the start_offset must be a valid offset into a bytecodes array of a method_info structure to an opcode of an instruction. The value of the end_offset either must be a valid offset into a bytecodes array of the same method_info structure to an opcode of an instruction, or must be equal to the method’s bytecode count, the length of the bytecodes array of the method_info structure. The value of the start_offset must be less than the value of the end_offset.

The start_offset is inclusive and the end_offset is exclusive; that is, the exception handler must be active while the execution address is within the interval [start_offset, end_offset).


The stop_bit item indicates whether the active range (try block) of this exception handler is contained within or is equal to the active range of any succeeding exception_handler_info structures in this exception_handlers array. At the Java source level, this indicates whether an active range is nested within another, or has at least one succeeding exception handler associated with the same range. The latter occurs when there is at least one succeeding catch block or a finally block.

The stop_bit item is equal to 1 if the active range does not intersect with a succeeding exception handler’s active range, and this exception handler is the last handler applicable to the active range. It is equal to 0 if the active range is contained within the active range of another exception handler, or there is at least one succeeding handler applicable to the same active range.

The stop_bit provides an optimization to be used during the interpretation of the athrow bytecode. As the interpreter searches for an appropriate exception handler, it may terminate the search of the exception handlers in this Method Component under the following conditions:

When these conditions are satisfied it is guaranteed that none of the succeeding exception handlers in this Method Component will contain an active range appropriate for the current exception.

In CODE EXAMPLE 1, the stop_bit item is set for both the third and fourth handlers.


The handler_offset item represents a byte offset into the info item of the Method Component. It indicates the start of the exception handler. At the Java source level, this is equivalent to the beginning of a catch or finally block. The value of the item must be a valid offset into a bytecodes array of a method_info structure to an opcode of an instruction, and must be less than the value of the method’s bytecode count.


If the value of the catch_type_index item is non-zero, it must be a valid index into the constant_pool[] array of the Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component). The constant_pool[] entry at that index must be a CONSTANT_Classref_info structure, representing the class of the exception caught by this exception_handlers array entry.

If the exception_handlers table entry represents a finally block, the value of the catch_type_index item is zero. In this case the exception handler is called for all exceptions that are thrown within the start_offset and end_offset range.

The order of constants in the constant pool is constrained such that all entries referenced by catch_type_index items that represent catch block (not finally blocks) are located at non-zero entries.

6.9.2 method_info

The method_info structure is defined as follows:

method_info { 
     method_header_info method_header 
     u1 bytecodes[] 

The items in the method_info structure are as follows:


The method_header item represents either a method_header_info or an extended_method_header_info structure:

   method_header_info { 
         u1 bitfield { 
             bit[4] flags 
             bit[4] max_stack 
        u1 bitfield { 
             bit[4] nargs 
             bit[4] max_locals 

   extended_method_header_info { 
         u1 bitfield { 
              bit[4] flags 
              bit[4] padding 
         u1 max_stack 
         u1 nargs 
         u1 max_locals 

The items of the method_header_info and extended_method_header_info structures are as follows:


The flags item is a mask of modifiers defined for this method. Valid flag values are shown in the following table.

TABLE 31  –  CAP file method flags

The value of the ACC_EXTENDED flag must be one if the method_header is represented by an extended_method_header_info structure. Otherwise the value must be zero.

The value of the ACC_ABSTRACT flag must be one if this method is defined as abstract. In this case the bytecodes array must be empty. If this method is not abstract the value of the ACC_ABSTRACT flag must be zero.

All other flag values are reserved. Their values must be zero.


The padding item has the value of zero. This item is only defined for the extended_method_header_info structure.


The max_stack item indicates the maximum number of 16-bit cells required on the operand stack during execution of this method.

Stack entries of type int are represented in two 16-bit cells, while all others are represented in one 16-bit cell.


The nargs item indicates the number of 16-bit cells required to represent the parameters passed to this method, including the this pointer if this method is a virtual method.

Parameters of type int are represented in two 16-bit cells, while all others are represented in one 16-bit cell.


The max_locals item indicates the number of 16-bit cells required to represent the local variables declared by this method, not including the parameters passed to this method on invocation.8

Local variables of type int are represented in two 16-bit cells, while all others are represented in one 16-bit cell. If an entry in the local variables array of the stack frame is reused to store more than one local variable (e.g. local variables from separate scopes), the number of cells required for storage is two if one or more of the local variables is of type int.


The bytecodes item represents an array of Java Card bytecodes that implement this method. Valid instructions are defined in Chapter 7, "Java Card Virtual Machine Instruction Set.” The impdep1 and impdep2 bytecodes can not be present in the bytecodes array item.

If this method is abstract the bytecodes item must contain zero elements.

6.10 Static Field Component

The Static Field Component contains all of the information required to create and initialize an image of all of the static fields defined in this package, referred to as the static field image. Offsets to particular static fields are offsets into the static field image, not the Static Field Component.

Final static fields of primitive types are not represented in the static field image. Instead these compile-time constants must be placed in line in Java Card technology-based instructions (“Java Card instructions”).

The Static Field Component includes all information required to initialize classes. In the Java virtual machine a class is initialized by executing its <clinit> method. In the Java Card virtual machine the functionality of <clinit> methods is represented in the Static Field Component as array initialization data and non-default values of primitive types data. Section "Class Initialization” contains a description of the subset of <clinit> functionality supported in the Java Card virtual machine.

The Static Field Component does not reference any other component in this CAP file. The Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component), Export Component (Section 6.12 "Export Component), Descriptor Component (Section 6.13 "Descriptor Component”), and Debug Component (Section 6.14 "Debug Component) reference fields in the static field image defined by the Static Field Component.

The ordering constraints, or segments, associated with a static field image are shown in TABLE 32. Reference types occur first in the image. Arrays initialized through Java <clinit> methods occur first within the set of reference types. Primitive types occur last in the image, and primitive types initialized to non-default values occur last within the set of primitive types.

TABLE 32  –  Segments of a static field image
reference types
arrays of primitive types initialized by <clinit> methods
reference types initialized to null, including arrays
primitive types
primitive types initialized to default values
primitive types initialized to non-default values

The number of bytes used to represent each field type in the static field image is shown in the following table.

TABLE 33  –  Static field sizes
reference, including arrays

The static_field_component structure is defined as:

static_field_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u2 image_size 
     u2 reference_count 
     u2 array_init_count 
     array_init_info array_init[array_init_count] 
     u2 default_value_count 
     u2 non_default_value_count 
     u1 non_default_values[non_default_values_count] 

The items in the static_field_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_StaticField (8).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the static_field_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The image_size item indicates the number of bytes required to represent the static fields defined in this package, excluding final static fields of primitive types. This value is the number of bytes in the static field image. The number of bytes required to represent each field type is shown in TABLE 33.

The value of the image_size item does not include the number of bytes require to represent the initial values of array instances enumerated in the Static Field Component.

The value of the image_size is defined as:

  image_size =  
  reference_count *  2  +  
  default_value_count  +  


The reference_count item indicates the number of reference type static fields defined in this package. This is the number of fields represented in segments 1 and 2 of the static field image as described in TABLE 32.

The value of the reference_count item may be 0 if no reference type fields are defined in this package. Otherwise it must be equal to the number of reference type fields defined.


The array_init_count item indicates the number of elements in the array_init array. This is the number of fields represented in segment 1 of the static field image as described in TABLE 32. It represents the number of arrays initialized in all of the <clinit> methods in this package.

If this CAP file defines a library package the value of array_init_count must be zero.


The array_init item represents an array of array_init_info structures that specify the initial array values of static fields of arrays of primitive types. These initial values are indicated in Java <clinit> methods. The array_init_info structure is defined as:

  array_init_info { 
        u1 type 
        u2 count 
        u1 values[count] 

The items in the array_init_info structure are defined as follows:


The type item indicates the type of the primitive array. Valid values are shown in the following table.

TABLE 34  –  Array types


The count item indicates the number of bytes in the values array. It does not represent the number of elements in the static field array (referred to as length in Java), since the values array is an array of bytes and the static field array may be a non-byte type. The Java length of the static field array is equal to the count item divided by the number of bytes required to represent the static field type (TABLE 33) indicated by the type item.


The values item represents a byte array containing the initial values of the static field array. The number of entries in the values array is equal to the size in bytes of the type indicated by the type item. The size in bytes of each type is shown in TABLE 33.


The default_value_count item indicates the number of bytes required to initialize the set of static fields represented in segment 3 of the static field image as described in TABLE 32. These static fields are primitive types initialized to default values. The number of bytes required to initialize each static field type is equal to the size in bytes of the type as shown in TABLE 33.


The non_default_value_count item represents the number bytes in the non_default_values array. This value is equal to the number of bytes in segment 4 of the static field image as described in TABLE 32. These static fields are primitive types initialized to non-default values.


The non_default_values item represents an array of bytes of non-default initial values. This is the exact image of segment 4 of the static field image as described in TABLE 32. The number of entries in the non_default_values array for each static field type is equal to the size in bytes of the type as shown in TABLE 33.

The value of a boolean type is 1 to represent true and 0 to represent false.

6.11 Reference Location Component

The Reference Location Component represents lists of offsets into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component) to items that contain indices into the constant_pool[] array of the Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component). This includes all constant pool index operands of instructions, and all non-zero catch_type_index items of the exception_handlers array. The catch_type_index items that have the value of 0 are not included since they represent finally blocks instead of particular exception classes.

Some of the constant pool indices are represented in one-byte values while others are represented in two-byte values. Operands of getfield_T and putfield_T instructions are one-byte constant pool indices. All other indices in a Method Component are two-byte values.

The Reference Location Component is not referenced by any other component in this CAP file.

The Reference Location Component structure is defined as:

reference_location_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u2 byte_index_count 
     u1 offsets_to_byte_indices[byte_index_count] 
     u2 byte2_index_count 
     u1 offsets_to_byte2_indices[byte2_index_count] 

The items of the reference_location_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_ReferenceLocation (9).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the reference_location_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The byte_index_count item represents the number of elements in the offsets_to_byte_indices array.


The offsets_to_byte_indices item represents an array of 1-byte jump offsets into the info item of the Method Component to each 1-byte constant_pool[] array index. Each entry represents the number of bytes (or distance) between the current index to the next. If the distance is greater than or equal to 255 then there are n entries equal to 255 in the array, where n is equal to the distance divided by 255. The nth entry of 255 is followed by an entry containing the value of the distance modulo 255.

An example of the jump offsets in an offsets_to_byte_indices array is shown in the following table.

TABLE 35  –  One-byte reference location example
Offset to Operand
Jump Offset
getfield_a 0
putfield_b 2
getfield_s 1
putfield_a 0
getfield_i 3

All 1-byte constant_pool[] array indices in the Method Component must be represented in offsets_to_byte_indices array.


The byte2_index_count item represents the number of elements in the offsets_to_byte2_indices array.


The offsets_to_byte2_indices item represents an array of 1-byte jump offsets into the info item of the Method Component to each 2-byte constant_pool[] array index. Each entry represents the number of bytes (or distance) between the current index to the next. If the distance is greater than or equal to 255 then there are n entries equal to 255 in the array, where n is equal to the distance divided by 255. The nth entry of 255 is followed by an entry containing the value of the distance modulo 255.

An example of the jump offsets in an offsets_to_byte_indices array is shown in TABLE 35. The same example applies to the offsets_to_byte2_indices array if the instructions are changed to those with 2-byte constant_pool[] array indices.

All 2-byte constant_pool[] array indices in the Method Component must be represented in offsets_to_byte2_indices array, including those represented in catch_type_index items of the exception_handler_info array.

6.12 Export Component

The Export Component lists all static elements in this package that may be imported by classes in other packages. Instance fields and virtual methods are not represented in the Export Component.

If this CAP file does not include an Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component”), the Export Component contains an entry for each public class and public interface defined in this package. Furthermore, for each public class there is an entry for each public or protected static field defined in that class, for each public or protected static method defined in that class, and for each public or protected constructor defined in that class. Final static fields of primitive types (compile-time constants) are not included.

If this CAP file includes an Applet Component (Section 6.5 "Applet Component), the Export Component includes entries only for all public interfaces that are shareable.9 An interface is shareable if and only if it is the javacard.framework.Shareable interface or implements (directly or indirectly) that interface.

Elements in the Export Component reference elements in the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component), Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component), and Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). No other component in this CAP file references the Export Component.

The Export Component is represented by the following structure:

export_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u1 class_count 
     class_export_info { 
          u2 class_offset 
          u1 static_field_count 
          u1 static_method_count 
          u2 static_field_offsets[static_field_count] 
          u2 static_method_offsets[static_method_count] 
     } class_exports[class_count] 

The items of the export_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Export (10).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the export_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The class_count item represents the number of entries in the class_exports table. The value of the class_count item must be greater than zero.


The class_exports item represents a variable-length table of class_export_info structures. If this package is a library package, the table contains an entry for each of the public classes and public interfaces defined in this package. If this package is an applet package, the table contains an entry for each of the public shareable interfaces defined in this package.

An index into the table to a particular class or interface is equal to the token value of that class or interface (Section "Classes and Interfaces). The token value is published in the Export file (Section 5.7 "Classes and Interfaces) of this package.

The items in the class_export_info structure are:


The class_offset item represents a byte offset into the info item of the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component). If this package defines a library package, the item at that offset must be either an interface_info or a class_info structure. The interface_info or class_info structure at that offset must represent the exported class or interface.

If this package defines an applet package, the item at the class_offset in the info item of the Class Component must be an interface_info structure. The interface_info structure at that offset must represent the exported, shareable interface. In particular, the ACC_SHAREABLE flag of the interface_info structure must be equal to 1.


The static_field_count item represents the number of elements in the static_field_offsets array. This value indicates the number of public and protected static fields defined in this class, excluding final static fields of primitive types.

If the class_offset item represents an offset to an interface_info structure, the value of the static_field_count item must be zero.


The static_method_count item represents the number of elements in the static_method_offsets array. This value indicates the number of public and protected static methods and constructors defined in this class.

If the class_offset item represents an offset to an interface_info structure, the value of the static_method_count item must be zero.


The static_field_offsets item represents an array of 2-byte offsets into the static field image defined by the Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). Each offset must be to the beginning of the representation of the exported static field.

An index into the static_field_offsets array must be equal to the token value of the field represented by that entry. The token value is published in the Export file (Section 5.9 "Methods) of this package.


The static_method_offsets item represents a table of 2-byte offsets into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component). Each offset must be to the beginning of a method_info structure. The method_info structure must represent the exported static method or constructor.

An index into the static_method_offsets array must be equal to the token value of the method represented by that entry.

6.13 Descriptor Component

The Descriptor Component provides sufficient information to parse and verify all elements of the CAP file. It references, and therefore describes, elements in the Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component), Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component), Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component), and Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). No components in the CAP file reference the Descriptor Component.

The Descriptor Component is represented by the following structure:

descriptor_component { 
     u1 tag 
     u2 size 
     u1 class_count 
     class_descriptor_info classes[class_count] 
     type_descriptor_info types 

The items of the descriptor_component structure are as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Descriptor (11).


The size item indicates the number of bytes in the descriptor_component structure, excluding the tag and size items. The value of the size item must be greater than zero.


The class_count item represents the number of entries in the classes table.


The classes item represents a table of variable-length class_descriptor_info structures. Each class and interface defined in this package is represented in the table.


The types item represents a type_descriptor_info structure. This structure lists the set of field types and method signatures of the fields and methods defined or referenced in this package. Those referenced are enumerated in the Constant Pool Component.

6.13.1 class_descriptor_info

The class_descriptor_info structure is used to describe a class or interface defined in this package:

class_descriptor_info { 
     u1 token 
     u1 access_flags 
     class_ref this_class_ref 
     u1 interface_count 
     u2 field_count 
     u2 method_count 
     class_ref interfaces [interface_count] 
     field_descriptor_info fields[field_count] 
     method_descriptor_info methods[method_count] 

The items of the class_descriptor_info structure are as follows:


The token item represents the class token (Section "Classes and Interfaces) of this class or interface. If this class or interface is package-visible it does not have a token assigned. In this case the value of the token item must be 0xFF.


The access_flags item is a mask of modifiers used to describe the access permission to and properties of this class or interface. The access_flags modifiers for classes and interfaces are shown in the following table.

TABLE 36  –  CAP file class descriptor flags

The class access and modifier flags defined in the table above are a subset of those defined for classes and interfaces in a Java class file. They have the same meaning, and are set under the same conditions, as the corresponding flags in a Java class file.

All other flag values are reserved. Their values must be zero.


The this_class_ref item is a class_ref structure indicating the location of the class_info structure in the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component). The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure (Section 6.7.1 "CONSTANT_Classref).


The interface_count item represents the number of entries in the interfaces array. For an interface, interface_count is always set to zero.


The field_count item represents the number of entries in the fields array. If this class_descriptor_info structure represents an interface, the value of the field_count item is equal to zero.

Static final fields of primitive types are not represented as fields in a CAP file, but instead these compile-time constants are placed inline in bytecode sequences. The field_count item does not include static final field of primitive types defined by this class.


The method_count item represents the number of entries in the methods array.


The interfaces item represents an array of interfaces implemented by this class. The elements in the array are class_ref structures indicating the location of the interface_info structure in the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component”). The class_ref structure is defined as part of the CONSTANT_Classref_info structure (Section 6.7.1 "CONSTANT_Classref”).


The fields item represents an array of field_descriptor_info structures. Each field declared by this class is represented in the array, except static final fields of primitive types. Inherited fields are not included in the array.


The methods item represents an array of method_descriptor_info structures. Each method declared or defined by this class or interface is represented in the array. For a class, inherited methods are not included in the array. For an interface, inherited methods are included in the array.

6.13.2 field_descriptor_info

The field_descriptor_info structure is used to describe a field defined in this package:

field_descriptor_info { 
     u1 token 
     u1 access_flags 
     union { 
          static_field_ref static_field 
            class_ref class 
            u1 token 
          } instance_field 
     } field_ref 
     union { 
            u2 primitive_type 
            u2 reference_type 
     } type 

The items of the field_descriptor_info structure are as follows:


The token item represents the token of this field. If this field is private or package-visible static field it does not have a token assigned. In this case the value of the token item must be 0xFF.


The access_flags item is a mask of modifiers used to describe the access permission to and properties of this field. The access_flags modifiers for fields are shown in the following table.

TABLE 37  –  CAP file field descriptor flags

The field access and modifier flags defined in the table above are a subset of those defined for fields in a Java class file. They have the same meaning, and are set under the same conditions, as the corresponding flags in a Java class file.

All other flag values are reserved. Their values must be zero.


The field_ref item represents a reference to this field. If the ACC_STATIC flag is equal to 1, this item represents a static_field_ref as defined in the CONSTANT_StaticFieldref structure (Section 6.7.3 "CONSTANT_StaticFieldref and CONSTANT_StaticMethodref).

If the ACC_STATIC flag is equal to 0, this item represents a reference to an instance field. It contains a class_ref item and an instance field token item. These items are defined in the same manner as in the CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref structure (Section 6.7.2 "CONSTANT_InstanceFieldref, CONSTANT_VirtualMethodref, and CONSTANT_SuperMethodref).


The type item indicates the type of this field. directly or indirectly. If this field is a primitive type (boolean, byte, short, or int) the high bit of this item is equal to 1, otherwise the high bit of this item is equal to 0.


The primitive_type item represents the type of this field using the values in the table below. As noted above, the high bit of the primitive_type item is equal to 1.

TABLE 38  –  Primitive type descriptor values
Data Type


The reference_type item represents a 15-bit offset into the type_descriptor_info structure. The item at the offset must represent the reference type of this field. As noted above, the high bit of the reference_type item is equal to 0.

6.13.3 method_descriptor_info

The method_descriptor_info structure is used to describe a method defined in this package. This structure contains sufficient information to locate and parse the methods in the Method Component, while the Method Component does not.

method_descriptor_info { 
     u1 token 
     u1 access_flags 
     u2 method_offset 
     u2 type_offset 
     u2 bytecode_count 
     u2 exception_handler_count 
     u2 exception_handler_index 

The items of the method_descriptor_info structure are as follows:


The token item represents the static method token (Section "Static Methods and Constructors) or virtual method token (Section "Virtual Methods) or interface method token (Section "Interface Methods) of this method. If this method is a private or package-visible static method, a private or package-visible constructor, or a private virtual method it does not have a token assigned. In this case the value of the token item must be 0xFF.


The access_flags item is a mask of modifiers used to describe the access permission to and properties of this method. The access_flags modifiers for methods are shown in the following table.

TABLE 39  –  CAP file method descriptor flags

The method access and modifier flags defined in the table above, except the ACC_INIT flag, are a subset of those defined for methods in a Java class file. They have the same meaning, and are set under the same conditions, as the corresponding flags in a Java class file.

The ACC_INIT flag is set if the method descriptor identifies a constructor methods. In Java a constructor method is recognized by its name, <init>, but in Java Card systems, the name is replaced by a token. As in the Java verifier, these methods require special checks by the verifier for the Java Card platform (“Java Card verifier”).

All other flag values are reserved. Their values must be zero.


If the class_descriptor_info structure that contains this method_descriptor_info structure represents a class, the method_offset item represents a byte offset into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component). The element at that offset must be the beginning of a method_info structure. The method_info structure must represent this method.

If the class_descriptor_info structure that contains this method_descriptor_info structure represents an interface, the value of the method_offset item must be zero.


The type_offset item must be a valid offset into the type_descriptor_info structure. The type described at that offset represents the signature of this method.


The bytecode_count item represents the number of bytecodes in this method. The value is equal to the length of the bytecodes array item in the method_info structure in the method component (Section 6.9 "Method Component) of this method.


The exception_handler_count item represents the number of exception handlers implemented by this method.


The exception_handler_index item represents the index to the first exception_handlers table entry in the method component (Section 6.9 "Method Component) implemented by this method. Succeeding exception_handlers table entries, up to the value of the exception_handler_count item, are also exception handlers implemented by this method.

The value of the exception_handler_index item is 0 if the value of the exception_handler_count item is 0.

6.13.4 type_descriptor_info

The type_descriptor_info structure represents the types of fields and signatures of methods defined in this package:

type_descriptor_info { 
     u2 constant_pool_count 
     u2 constant_pool_types[constant_pool_count] 
     type_descriptor type_desc[] 

The type_descriptor_info structure contains the following elements:


The constant_pool_count item represents the number of entries in the constant_pool_types array. This value is equal to the number of entries in the constant_pool array of the Constant Pool Component (Section 6.7 "Constant Pool Component).


The constant_pool_types item is an array that describes the types of the fields and methods referenced in the Constant Pool Component. This item has the same number of entries as the constant_pool[] array of the Constant Pool Component, and each entry describes the type of the corresponding entry in the constant_pool[] array.

If the corresponding constant_pool[] array entry represents a class or interface reference, it does not have an associated type. In this case the value of the entry in the constant_pool_types array item is 0xFFFF.

If the corresponding constant_pool[] array entry represents a field or method, the value of the entry in the constant_pool_types array is an offset into the type_descriptor_info structure. The element at that offset must describe the type of the field or the signature of the method.


The type_desc item represents a table of variable-length type_descriptor structures. These descriptors represent the types of fields and signatures of methods. For a description of the type_descriptor structure, see section Section 6.8.1 "type_descriptor.

6.14 Debug Component

This section specifies the format for the Debug Component. The Debug Component contains all the metadata necessary for debugging a package on a suitably instrumented Java Card virtual machine. It is not required for executing Java Card programs in a non-debug environment.

The Debug Component references the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component), Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component), and Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). No components reference the Debug Component.

The Debug Component is represented by the following structure:

debug_component { 
    u1 tag 
    u2 size 
    u2 string_count 
    utf8_info strings_table[string_count] 
    u2 package_name_index 
    u2 class_count 
    class_debug_info classes[class_count] 

The items in the debug_component structure are defined as follows:


The tag item has the value COMPONENT_Debug (12).


The number of bytes in the component, excluding the tag and size items. The value of size must be greater than zero.


The number of strings in the strings_table[] table.


A table of all the strings used in this component. Various items that occur through this component represent unsigned two-byte indices into this table.

Each entry in the table is a utf8_info structure. A utf8_info structure is represented by the following structure:

   utf8_info { 
       u2 length 
       u1 bytes[length] 

The items in the utf8_info structure are defined as follows:


The number of bytes in the string.


The bytes of the string in UTF-8 format.


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item. The strings_table[] item entry referenced by this index must contain the fully-qualified name of the package in this CAP file.


The number of classes in the classes table.


Contains a single class_debug_info[] structure for each class in this package.

6.14.1 The class_debug_info Structure

The class_debug_info structure contains all of the debugging information for a class or interface. It also contains tables of debugging information for all its classes’ fields and methods.

class_debug_info { 
    u2 name_index 
    u2 access_flags 
    u2 location 
    u2 superclass_name_index 
    u2 source_file_index 
    u1 interface_count 
    u2 field_count 
    u2 method_count 
    u2 interface_names_indexes[interface_count] 
    field_debug_info fields[field_count] 
    method_debug_info methods[method_count] 

The items in the class_debug_info structure are defined as follows:


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the fully-qualified name of this class.


A two-byte mask of modifiers that apply to this class. The modifiers are:

TABLE 40  –  Class access and modifier flags

The ACC_SHAREABLE flag indicates whether this class or interface is shareable.10 A class is shareable if it implements (directly or indirectly) the javacard.framework.Shareable interface. An interface is shareable if it is or extends (directly or indirectly) the javacard.framework.Shareable interface.

The ACC_REMOTE flag indicates whether this class or interface is remote. The value of this flag must be one if and only if the class or interface satisfies the requirements defined in Section "Remote Classes and Remote Interfaces.

All other class access and modifier flags are defined in the same way and with the same restrictions as described in The Java‘ Virtual Machine Specification.


The byte offset of the class_info or interface_info record for this class or interface into the info item of the Class Component (Section 6.8 "Class Component).


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the fully-qualified name of the superclass of this class or the string “null” if the class has no superclass.


Contains the index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the name of the source file in which this class is defined.


The number of indexes in the interface_names_indexes[] table.


The number of field_debug_info structures in the fields[] table.


The number of method_debug_info structures in the methods[] table.


Contains the indexes into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at each indexed location must be the name of an interface implemented by this class. There must be an index value present for every interface implemented by this class, including interfaces implemented by superclasses of this class and superinterfaces of the implemented interfaces.

If ACC_INTERFACE is set, the strings_table[] entry at each indexed location must be the name of a super interface directly or indirectly extended by this interface. There must be an index value present for every super interface directly or indirectly extended by this interface.


Contains field_debug_info structures for all the fields declared by this class, including static final fields of primitive types. Inherited fields are not included in this array.


Contains method_debug_info structures for all the methods declared or defined in this class. Inherited methods are not included in this array. The field_debug_info Structure

The field_debug_info structure describes a field in a class. It can describe either an instance field, a static field, or a constant (primitive final static) field. The contents union will have the form of a token_var if the field is an instance field, a location_var if it is a static field, or a const_value if it is a constant.

The field_debug_info structure is defined as follows:

field_debug_info { 
    u2 name_index 
    u2 descriptor_index 
    u2 access_flags 
    union { 
            u1 pad1 
            u1 pad2 
            u1 pad3 
            u1 token 
        } token_var 
            u2 pad 
            u2 location 
        } location_var 
        u4 const_value 
    } contents 

The items in the field_debug_info structure are defined as follows:


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the simple (i.e. not fully-qualified) name of the field (for example, “applets”).


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the type of the field. Class types are fully-qualified (for example, “[Ljavacard/framework/Applet;”).


A two-byte mask of modifiers that apply to this field.

TABLE 41  –  Field access and modifier flags

The above field access and modifier flags are defined in the same way and with the same restrictions as described in Java™ Virtual Machine Specification.


A field_debug_info structure can describe an instance field, a static field, or a static final field (a constant). Constants can be either primitive data or arrays of primitive data. Depending on the kind of field described, the contents item is interpreted in different ways. The kind and type of the field can be determined by examining the field’s descriptor and access flags.


If the field is an instance field, this value is the instance field token of the field. The pad1, pad2, and pad3 items are padding only; their values should be ignored.


If the field is a non-final static field or a final static field with an array type (a constant array), this value is the byte offset of the location for this field in the static field image defined by the Static Field Component (Section 6.10 "Static Field Component). The pad item is padding only; its value should be ignored.


If the field is a final static field of type byte, boolean, short, or int, this value is interpreted as a signed 32-bit constant. The method_debug_info Structure

The method_debug_info structure describes a method of a class. It can describe methods that are either virtual or non-virtual (static or initialization methods). The structure is defined as follows:

method_debug_info { 
    u2 name_index 
    u2 descriptor_index 
    u2 access_flags 
    u2 location 
    u1 header_size 
    u2 body_size 
    u2 variable_count 
    u2 line_count 
    variable_info variable_table[variable_count] 
    line_info line_table[line_count] 

The items in the method_debug_info structure are defined as follows:


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the simple (i.e. not fully-qualified) name of the method (e.g. “lookupAID”).


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the argument and return types of the method (i.e. the signature without the method name). Class types are fully-qualified (for example, “([BSB)Ljavacard/framework/AID;”)


A two-byte mask of modifiers that apply to this method.

TABLE 42  –  Method modifier flags

The ACC_NATIVE flag is only valid for methods of a package located in the card mask. It cannot be used for methods contained in a CAP file.

All other method access and modifier flags are defined in the same way and with the same restrictions as described in The Java‘ Virtual Machine Specification.


A byte offset of the method_info structure for this method into the info item of the Method Component (Section 6.9 "Method Component). Abstract methods have a location of zero.


The size in bytes of the header of the method. Abstract methods have a header_size of zero.


The size in bytes of the body of the method, not including the method header. Abstract methods have a body_size of zero.


The number of variable_info entries in the variable_table[] item. Abstract methods have a variable_count of zero.


The number of line_info entries in the line_table[] item. Abstract methods have a line_count of zero.


Contains the variable_info structures for all variables in this method.

The variable_info structure describes a single local variable of a method. It indicates the index into the local variables of the current frame at which the local variable can be found, as well as the name and type of the variable. It also indicates the range of bytecodes within which the variable has a value.

  variable_info { 
        u1 index 
        u2 name_index 
        u2 descriptor_index 
        u2 start_pc 
        u2 length 

The items in the variable_info structure are defined as follows:


The index of the variable in the local stack frame, as used in load and store bytecodes. If the variable at index is of type int, it occupies both index and index + 1.


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the name of the local variable. (e.g. “applets”).


Contains an index into the strings_table[] item of the debug_component structure. The strings_table[] entry at the indexed location must be the type of the local variable. Class types are fully-qualified (e.g. “[Ljavacard/framework/Applet;”).


The index of the first bytecode in which the variable is in-scope and valid.


Number of bytecodes in which the variable is in-scope and valid. The value of start_pc + length will be either the index of the next bytecode after the valid range, or the first index beyond the end of the bytecode array.


Contains the line_info structures that map bytecode instructions of this method to lines in the class’s source file.

Each line_info item represents a mapping of a range of bytecode instructions to a particular line in the source file that contains the method. The range of instructions is from start_pc to end_pc, inclusive. start_pc and end_pc represent a zero-based byte offset within the method. The source_line is the one-based line number in the source file. The structure is defined as follows:

   line_info { 
       u2 start_pc 
       u2 end_pc 
       u2 source_line 

The items in the line_info structure are defined as follows:


The byte offset of the first bytecode in the range of instructions.


The byte offset of the last operand of the last bytecode in the range of instructions.


Line number in the source file.

1 Both the Java Card Forum and Global Platform specification have adopted this component load order as a standard to enhance interoperability. In both cases, loading the Descriptor Component is optional. Furthermore, the Global Platform specification defines the format of packets (APDUs) used during installation.
2 Restrictions placed on an applet definition are imposed by the Runtime Environment Specification for the Java Card™ Platform, Version 2.2.1.
3 Restrictions placed on the install(byte[],short,byte) method of an applet are imposed by the Runtime Environment Specification for the Java Card™ Platform, Version 2.2.1.
4 The constant pool index parameter of an invoke special bytecode is to a CONSTANT_StaticMethodref when the method referenced is a constructor or a private instance method. In these cases the method invoked is fully known when the CAP file is created. In the cases of virtual method and super method references, the method invoked is dependent upon an instance of a class and its hierarchy, both of which may be partially unknown when the CAP file is created.
5 The interface_name[] item is required if the value of ACC_REMOTE is one. This item must be omitted otherwise. See the description of this field for more information.
6 The remote_interfaces item is required if the value of ACC_REMOTE is one. This item must be omitted otherwise. See the description of this field for more information.
7 A Java Card virtual machine uses the ACC_SHAREABLE flag to implement the firewall restrictions defined by the Runtime Environment Specification for the Java Card™ Platform, Version 2.2.1.
8 Unlike in Java Card CAP files, in Java class files the max_locals item includes both the local variables declared by the method and the parameters passed to the method.
9 The restriction on shareable functionality is imposed by the firewall as defined in the Runtime Environment Specification for the Java Card™ Platform, Version 2.2.1.
10 The ACC_SHAREABLE flag is defined to enable Java Card virtual machines to implement the firewall restrictions defined by the Runtime Environment Specification for the Java Card™ Platform, Version 2.2.1.


Contents Previous Next Index Virtual Machine Specification for the Java Card Platform
Specification, 2.2.1